Do you want to stay up to date with SCNU news?
Would you like to share some anecdotes of campus life with your friends?
Do you want to publish some articles on the website?
If so, the SCNU English Website can realize your dream!
The SCNU English website was launched on October 30 in 2018. Up till now, it has enjoyed more than 100 thousand page views. The website is open for the international academic community, international media, overseas students, international cooperation partners and professors, students and alumni of SCNU. A variety of SCNU news is provided for the public both at home and abroad. From an overview of SCNU to the extraordinary achievements in academic fields and research, from campus life to international cooperation, everything you are interested in can be found on the SCNU English website!
华师英文网于2018年10月30日正式上线,距今累计网页浏览量已超过10万!网站面向国际学术界、国际媒体、留学生、国际合作伙伴及华师师生、校友等不同人群,力求给海内外公众提供丰富的华师资讯。从学校概况(About SCNU)到教学(Academics)科研(Research)重点介绍,从校园生活(Campus life)导览到国际合作(International cooperation)情况展示……你想了解的华师官方资讯这里基本都能找到!
Here all sorts of campus news can be found, ranging from accomplishments in research and teaching, international activities, colorful campus lives, distinguished people, media reports and certain perspectives. And you can share your own stories here!
在这里你还可以得到校园六大新闻资讯。无论最新教学科研(Research & Teaching)成果,还是外事交流(Global)活动,无论是校园事迹(Campus)还是风云人物(People),无论是媒体报道(Media)还是师生观点(Perspectives),校园英文新闻一网打尽。你的分享将让世界看到不一样的华师!
Now here comes an opportunity to tell your own stories on the website! As it has been one year since the SCNU English website was launched, a writing competition, with theme of SCNU & Me, is announced for all students at SCNU. The most excellent articles will be published in the column of Featured Stories. We warmly welcome your stories and ideas!
现在你还有机会参与其中,成为英文网投稿人!值英文网上线一周年之际,我们特地推出“我和我的华师”专题故事(Feature stories)栏目,面向华师全体学子征文,只要你有华师故事,我们都愿意倾听!
Join us and take big prizes!
The organizers reserve the final right of interpretation.
* 本活动最终解释权归华师大英文网所有。
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