
Recently an incident was under the spot light at SCNU. Some students, taking driving lessons at a driving school named Dingdang, lost a large amount of money ranging from 420 to 5,409 yuan. It occurred to us the importance that this was a case for campus security. 


Aimed at helping students of SCNU better protect themselves, we conducted an online survey on campus security, with 78 valid questionnaires received. The results are listed below.

All of the respondents attached great importance to campus security. However, the majority is not so satisfied with the status quo. Most of them have heard about or experienced cyber fraud. Also, students are worried about their personal security, property safety and privacy security. Among all the potential threats listed in the questionnaire, school bullying, fire and traffic accidents are their most severe concerns. Asked about measures to be taken when confronted with safety problems, most of them said they would choose to seek help from authorities. However, most of them have no idea where the local police stations are located.

The results reveal that students of SCNU show great concern for campus security, but they lack the awareness of self-protection. Based on information collected from the survey, and in accordance with relevant school regulations, here are some suggestions on how to protect yourself.

1. Be aware of the exact location of the local police stations near the campus and the way to go there. The nearest police station is the Shipai police station and it is 2-3 km from SCNU. It takes half an hour to get there by public transportation. Please keep the fastest route in mind in case of emergency. It can be a great help when trapped into trouble like when being bullied, for example, in or near the campus. The police can serve as a protection for us and deal with the problem in a legal way.

2. Do not stick your eyes to your cellphone when walking around especially crossing the street. On the campus cars and bikes run at a high speed, which is very dangerous sometimes for pedestrians. Therefore, crossing the street carefully becomes essential to our own lives. Do not try to compete with the high-speed cars. Just be patient and wait until your safety is guaranteed.

3. Seek help from teachers and parents. Whenever encountering campus bullying or cyber fraud, remember to ask teachers or parents for help at the very first time. Do not make it a secret or even try to solve it by yourself. Teachers and parents are much more experienced and rational than us students, they can help us solve problems in a proper and effective way.

4. Lower your speed when riding a bike. When you are in a hurry to class, rushing on a bike, please remember that personal safety sometimes is of greater importance than punctuality. Riding at a high speed, you are likely to crash into a tree or fall off the bike when the bike is out of control. More severely, if you are unlucky to knock into a pedestrian, both of you will suffer. So please lower your riding speed and try to wake up a little bit earlier to avoid being late!

5. Be cautious about information on line especially those relevant to personal information and money. If you sign up for some training or activities that require large amounts of money, you’d better check the authenticity and authority of the institutions first and ask for your parents' opinions. Remember not to make any big decision on the spur of the moment.

6. Do not use high-power electrical appliances in the dormitory. Using high-power electrical appliances can put us in great danger. Such appliances are very likely to pose a fire risk or cause an explosion. So do not have hot pot or have food boiled yourself in the dormitory. You can enjoy it in the restaurant or at your home!

7. Remember to do warming-up exercises before sports. When you are going to do sports, warming-up exercises cannot be ignored. They can help avoid many injuries especially during a sports meeting or some high-intensity training.


Certainly, measures to maintain campus security are not limited to those mentioned above. As students of SCNU, we should make security a top priority and take it seriously. And we should make efforts to maintain a safe campus.

Sources from the Wechat official account Goodnight SCNU

Written by Chen Yiying

Proofread by Edwin Baak 

Edited and reviewed by Li Jianru

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