
SCNU held the commencement ceremonies for the graduating class of 2024 from June 25-28 across its four campuses. 6,355 undergraduates and 3,859 postgraduates were about to embark on a new journey in their life with encouragement and blessings of SCNU.

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  Attendants stand up to sing the national anthem before the commencement.

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 SCNU president Yang Zhongmin expresses his wishes and expectations for graduates.

SCNU began its annual summer rite Tuesday morning with the first of four commencement ceremonies taking place at the Shipai campus. President Yang Zhongmin congratulated on graduations of the class of 2024 and gave his last lecture to students. He referred to the three primary colors of red, green, blue and offered three-color tips to students. Red symbolizes a commitment to serving the country. Yang hoped that students carry forward the red culture of our country and cultivate a sense of patriotism and to realize their aspiration in the fiery practice of building a strong country and make their youth bloom on our vast motherland.

Blue represents enterprising and innovative spirits. Yang encouraged students to be a “climber” determined to forge ahead. He hoped that students could cultivate the innovative spirit and enterprising consciousness of daring to adventure, to try and to take risks in pursuit of true and new knowledge. Lastly, Yang used green as a metaphor for youth, encouraging students to be courageous dream chasers. “I hope that no matter where you are and what kind of career you are engaged in, you will adhere to your dreams, fearlessly move forward, unfurl to your fullest ability in your own youth, and live a colorful and full life and bloom," he said.

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 Professor Wang Suiping from the School of Psychology delivers a speech as teacher representative.

Teacher representative Prof. Wang Suiping of the School of Psychology encouraged students to broaden their knowledge and attach importance to lifelong learning. She hoped that students would not be moved by momentary gains and losses and do things with a calm mindset.


 Alumni representative Yang Jia speaks at the commencement.

Yang Jia, a 2005 graduate majoring in human resources, spoke as the alumni representative. In her days of studying at SCNU, she was deeply influenced by its entrepreneurial spirit and formed her own entrepreneurial team, which laid a solid foundation for her later entrepreneurial practice and achievements.

As one of the graduate representatives, He Shenggong, a PhD graduate of the School of Physics, shared his experience as a scientific and technological worker. He recalled his research experience and achievements while studying at SCNU and expressed his determination to serve the country with advanced technology. Anastasiia Soloveva, a Russian student from the School of International Culture, recalled her stories of cultural exchange in China and expressed her expectation to convey Chinese culture to the world. 

With the presiding professors entering the hall solemnly, the degree-conferring ceremony officially began. Clad in cap and gown, graduates stepped up to the stage in an orderly manner, had their tassels turned and received their diplomas.

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 Presiding professors walk into the hall, marking the beginning of the degree-conferring ceremony.

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 SCNU president Yang Zhongmin turns the tassel for a graduate.

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 Graduates smile and shake hands with presiding professors.


 Graduates receive their diplomas and pose for photos.

In addition, for the first time, letters of appointment were presented to alumni liaison ambassadors at the commencement and a total of 100 graduates were appointed this year. Since 2022, SCNU has been selecting alumni liaison ambassadors from its graduates every year to facilitate the development of the university itself as well as its alumni.

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 Selected alumni liaison ambassadors are presented with letters of appointment.

Joined by over 500 people including university leaders, administers, graduating student representatives, as well as faculty, guests, alumni, and family members, the event was also livestreamed on social media platforms, with over 10,000 people attending online. The conferring ceremonies were also held at the University Town campus, Nanhai campus and Binhai campus on Wednesday and Thursday, June 26 and 27, and Friday, June 28. 

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Source from SCNU News Center

Translated by Liang Jie

Proofread by Edwin Baak

Edited by Li Jianru

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