
Hosted by Huawei Technologies and organized by SCNU, the Kunpeng Ascension Developer Conference 2024 was held on the Shipai campus on April 27. This event further broadened the scientific research vision of students in the field of information technology, accelerated the application of advanced technology in colleges and universities, and deepened the cooperation between Huawei Technologies Ltd. and SCNU in the development of Kunpeng and Ascend.

Zhang Xuebo, dean of the Undergraduate College of SCNU, first extended a warm welcome to the guests, teachers and students who participated in the conference. He briefly reviewed the remarkable results of the “Intelligent Base” 1.0 project. Then he pointed out that the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China intended to deepen the development of the “Intelligent Base” 2.0 in colleges and universities carrying out the “Intelligent Base” 1.0 pilot project, aiming to deepen the reform and collaborative innovation of talent training in the field of information technology, and build an industry and talent ecosystem based on key core technologies in the field of information technology.

Jiang Yuncheng, dean of the School of Computer Science, stated that SCNU strove to strengthen cooperation with industry leaders such as Huawei through the integration of industry and education, promote the close combination of academic research and industrial practice, enable students to directly contact the most cutting-edge technical knowledge, engineering issues and practical opportunities, and cultivate students’ innovation ability and practical skills.

Wang Yuhua, director of Ascend AI development of Huawei Technologies, delivered a speech. She emphasized the importance of Ascend AI to developer trainings, and explained Ascend AI’s systematic growth plans, equity incentives and diverse activities for developers. By providing comprehensive resources and platform support, Ascend AI helped developers improve their professional skills and promote their career development.


Wang Yuhua, director of Ascend AI development of Huawei Technologies, emphasizes the importance of Ascend AI to developer training.

Zhou Junyuan, algorithm engineer of MindSpore Quantum, introduced a new generation of general quantum computing framework-MindSpore Quantum in his theme sharing. He first introduced the basic principles of quantum computing, then introduced the core features of MindSpore Quantum framework, and demonstrated how to use MindSpore Quantum to design and simulate quantum algorithms through programming examples, giving students an intuitive understanding of quantum programming and stimulating their interests in quantum computing technology.

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Zhou Junyuan, algorithm engineer of MindSpore Quantum, introduces MindSpore Quantum.

The 2023 award ceremonies for “Teacher as a Pillar” and “Star of the Future” of the “Intelligent Base” were also held during the event, in order to reward teachers and students who have performed well in the development of relevant courses for the “Intelligent Base” and in the relevant technical fields of Kunpeng and Ascend.

Excellent teachers and students are awarded.

Intelligent Base”, the collaborative base for the integration of industry and education was jointly launched by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and Huawei at the end of 2020, aiming to build an industry and talent ecology based on key core technologies in the field of information technology. Kunpeng and Ascend are Huawei’s two digital technology ecosystems.

Source from SCNU News Center

Translated by Chen Yuhui, Zeng Wenting

Proofread by Edwin Beak

Edited by Li Jianru

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