
The reading event "Enjoy Reading by the Yan Lake" kicked off on April 23 at the School of Economics and Management of SCNU. On the occasion of the 29th World Book Day, it came as part of the series organized by the School of Economics and Management to celebrate the 17th SCNU Reading Festival.

One of the highlights of the activity is the unveiling ceremony for the "Metaverse Learning Space" and the "Yan Lake Reading Space" at the School of Economics and Management. Advanced VR technology is adopted in the Metaverse Learning Space, providing teachers and students with an immersive learning experience. Following the development principle of Information Resources Management, one of the disciplines of the School of Economics and Management, VR can bring embodied experience, enabling party spirit education in an immersive context.


Guests and school administrators unveil the "Metaverse Learning Space of the School of Economics and Management" and "Yan Lake Reading and Enjoying Space".


Students are trying on VR technology.

In the Yan Lake Reading Space, two 24-hour self-service micro libraries are set, offering nearly 1,000 volumes of classics and books on party building, ideology and politics, and economic management, as well as the academic publications of scholars in the field and outstanding alumni.


Students are selecting books from the micro-library.

Outstanding teachers and alumni of the School of Economics and Management who have had new publications in the past five years were invited as guests to witness the new books' arrival in the "Xiangqin Library". To thank these scholars for their contribution, the library issued a collection certificate to them. These works will be permanently preserved in the "Xiangqin Library" of SCNU.

"Xiangqin Library is a unique long-term collection project undertaken by the school library. It showcases the academic achievements of SCNU, promotes academic thoughts and spirits, and preserves the university's culture," said Wan Rirong, Secretary of the General Party Branch of SCNU Library. The display of the works from these scholars embodies the education and academy development of the School of Economics and Management.


Guests receive collection certificates from the library.

Chen Guo, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Economics and Management, stated that the Xiangqin Library's collection certificate is a display of the School's academic spirit and will serve as an inspiration to future students. The establishment of the "Metaverse Learning Space" and the "Yan Lake Reading Space" demonstrates the intellectual collection of the School of Economics and Management, which will attract teachers and students to enjoy learning and reading.

Also in the activity, 12 scholars were invited to share their insights from unique perspectives, introducing their works and the stories behind them. Following is a poetry recitation performance Reading China presented by the School of Economics and Management faculty and students, bringing the event to a climax.


Teachers and students from the School of Economics and Management are reading poetry.

At the end of the activity, teachers and students received mystery book bags and written messages from guests. Students enjoyed their new books and interacted with teachers.


Teachers and students get mystery book bags as gifts.


One of the scholars is writing advice messages in the new book for students.

Source from SCNU News Center

Translated by Luo Xiaoying, Huang Linlin

Proofread by Edwin Baak

Edited by Li Jianru

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