A month-long Sino-foreign intercultural reading activity kicked off on April 9 at the School of International Culture at SCNU. The activity aims to facilitate language and cultural exchange between Chinese and international students as they pair up to read a book together.
Thirty-two Chinese and international students participated in the kick-off ceremony. The Chinese participants are students studying Russian, Japanese and English in the School of Foreign Studies, while international participants are students from countries like Japan, Russia and Uzbekistan studying Chinese in the School of International Culture.
At the ceremony, students first introduced themselves one by one, sharing their cultural backgrounds and interests, which helped them better know each other. Then each Chinese student paired up with an international student and started to have a friendly exchange of ideas on topics of common interest.
The activity, co-organized by the School of International Culture and the School of Foreign Studies, encourages students to read more good books to unlock the joy of reading on the coming World Book Day, which falls April 23 this year. According to activity rules, each pair of Chinese and international students will work together to study and discuss the recommended books in the following month. A reading-sharing session will take place in May, when students need to share their feelings and thoughts.
The recommended books focus on Chinese culture and stories of Sino-foreign exchange. The books, which are bilingual in Chinese-Japanese or Chinese-Russian, aim to improve students' foreign language skills as well as their understanding of Chinese culture.
The hosts, two students from the School of Foreign Studies, give a brief introduction to the recommended books.
Huang Yifan, a student from the School of Foreign Studies, introduces herself by displaying her name in pinyin and related drawings.
Chinese and international students exchange cultural experiences at the kick-off ceremony of the activity.
Group photo of students participating in the the kick-off ceremony of the activity.
Written by Chen Bao, Yang Puyun, Liang Jie, Zeng Wenting
Proofread by Edwin Baak
Edited by Li Jianru
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