
On the occasion of World Philosophy Day, the first Philosophy Month at SCNU, a series of academic activities, was held from November 18 to December 16, 2021.


Dean Hu Hongze delivers a speech at the opening ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, Hu Zehong, dean of the School of Philosophy and Society Development, pointed out that in today's complex and changeable world, the philosophy of wisdom, rationality, and zeitgeist is more precious to us. He expressed the hope that through the academic activities during Philosophy Month, more people may acquire a deeper understanding of philosophy, learn philosophy, love philosophy and feel the charm of philosophical thinking. He also encouraged everyone at SCNU to advocate more rational and critical thinking from a philosophical perspective, such as viewing major contemporary issues through philosophical analysis, research and exploration. In this way, philosophy will play an important role in promoting the development of human society.

The main events during the Philosophy Month were lectures and forums, including 25 academic lectures, which could also be viewed on line, attracting nearly 800 teachers and students both inside and outside SCNU. Both cutting-edge research and popular science lectures were presented. The speakers included scholars and experts from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Sun Yat-sen University, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and South China Normal University. The content of these lectures covered Marxist Philosophy, Foreign Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Ethics and Logic.


31 academic posters of students of the school on display, attracting lots of audiences.


Performance of classical music on the day of closing ceremony of the event. 


Associate Dean Xiong Ming addresses at the Closing Ceremony.

On the day of closing ceremony, Xiong Ming, associate dean of the school, spoke highly of the Philosophy Month. He said that the purpose of the activity is to encourage innovation and independent thinking as well as emphasize the importance of philosophy to every individual, especially the youth. When reviewing the main activities of Philosophy Month, he specifically referred to the undergraduates' philosophy forums, philosophical masterpiece readings, and philosophical salons. He thought these activities to be useful for guiding young students in academic study and stimulating their research potential. He hoped that more student-centered activities can be carried out to discover and cultivate new talents in more efficient and comprehensive ways in the future.

Prizes and awards were also given at the end of Philosophy Month. Through expert group evaluation and on-site voting, 14 winning papers and 31 winning exhibition posters were determined. The school leaders and teachers presented certificates and prizes to the winners at the awards ceremony.

Source: SCNU News Center

Translated by Wang Hedi, Cen Jingxian, Yang Yi

Proofread by Edwin Baak

Edited by Li Jianru

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