
SCNU won eight National Textbook Development Awards, ranking No.1 in Guangdong province in terms of its number, according to the announcement from the Ministry of Education (MOE) published on October 9.

The commendation of the advance collective for textbook development was received by the School of Physical Education & Sports Science, and it is the only awardee group in the field of sports textbook development in the country.

With its physical education ranking among the top 10% Chinese disciplines, the School of Physical Education & Sports Science has made great achievements in textbook development, being the unit which has compiled the largest number of sports textbooks among universities of the same kind. Since 2000, the School has edited 24 nation-level textbooks for sports, with cumulatively more than 2,950,000 copies printed, making a great contribution to the sports textbook development in higher education, according to the school website.

Among them, The Sociology of Sports by Prof. Lu Yuanzhen and Exercise Physiology by Prof. Deng Shuxun were awarded as "National Superior Textbooks".  What’s more, 620 universities have selected The Sociology of Sports, and 728 universities Exercise Physiology as their textbooks respectively. In addition, The Introduction to Sports, by Prof. Yang Wenxuan, is also been selected by more than 800 universities in China in an edition of more than 697,000 copies.  

On top of the collective award, there were seven second prizes for National Excellent Textbooks, involving areas of information technology in education, life science, physics, music and dance studies, and physical education. They fall into the three categories of the awards for textbooks -- basic education, vocational and adult education and higher education. For example, Plant Physiology (8th version) written by the team led by Professor Wang Xiaojing of the School of Life Sciences. The textbook enriches the teaching resources in such field as bioscience, agronomy, and forestry, facilitating the plant physiology development in teaching and talents cultivation.

The National Textbook Development Award is the highest prize in the field of textbook development. It shows the achievements and leads the way of textbook development. This year marks the launch of the event, which has seen 1,298 textbooks, groups and individuals winning awards. The prize will be awarded every four years.

See the list of awards : https://news.scnu.edu.cn/44886

Source: SCNU News Center

Translated by Peng Ying, Chen Xudong

Proofread by Edwin Baak

Edited by Li Jianru


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