Professors of SCNU participated in the 34th International Geographical Congress held in Istanbul from August 16 to 20, and made presentations during the forum for Political Geography: Rethinking the Migration-Security Nexus.
With the theme of “Geography: Bridging the Continents”, the 34th IGC was jointly hosted by the International Geographical Union (IGU), the Geographical Society of Turkey, and Istanbul University. Liu Yungang and Ren Anning, both professors of the School of Geography of SCNU, took part in the international academic exchange, and presented a paper entitled “Migration and geopolitics: Global attitudes towards Chinese migrants".
Based on the theories and research topics related to political geography and social geography, the report probed into the attitudes and contributing factors of various countries and regions around the world toward Chinese migrants in the context of China's rising influence on the international stage and the increasingly obvious trend of external population mobility since the beginning of the 21st century, which aroused heated discussion. Internationally renowned geographers David Newman, Takashi Yamazaki and Virginia Mamadouh joined in the discussion, speaking highly of the innovative character of the report.
Nearly 1,000 scholars from 78 countries and regions participated in the congress on line. It is also the first time in the 150-year history of the IGC to hold the congress on line. The congress set up 175 sub-venues and presented 611 presentations and 90 poster sessions, of which 50 presentations and 9 poster sessions were made by Chinese scholars.
Founded in Brussels in 1922, the International Geographical Union (IGU) is a world academic organization made up of geographical academic groups from all over the world. Professor Liu Yungang of SCNU is a member of the Political Geography Committee.
Translated by Ma Shuying
Proofread by Edwin Baak
Edited by Li Jianru
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