This April marked the 33rd Chinese Patriotic Public Health Month, aiming to promote awareness about public health and prevention. In response to the call from the country, an array of hygiene-promoting activities have been carried out at SCNU this month.
The campaign aims to popularize knowledge about hygiene on the campus.
This year's activities, themed on being civilized, healthy lifestyles and green environmental friendliness, lay emphasis on the dissemination of knowledge about hygiene campus wide, said Zhao Xiaomei, a staff member of the Hygiene Department of SCNU.
"We focus on spreading knowledge of personal hygiene, food and health, environmental sanitation and disease prevention through various means. For once, broadcasts, bulletin boards and banners on the campus, especially in crowded places such as dormitories and canteens, have been used to maximize the publicizing effect," says Zhao. "We also used on-line channels such as Wechat and Weibo to reach a wider audience during the month-long campaign.”
Initially, an interactive activity was launched via a Wechat post, in which SCNUers were encouraged to make comments about the theme and the campaign, and they got a chance to win prizes if their comments won the most likes. The aim was to popularize the idea of patriotic public health among students, so that we could better interact with them in later activities, Zhao said.
As for better publicizing, daily hygiene tips were printed and disseminated in the form of leaflets so people could learn about them conveniently. This was decided following one of the most popular suggestions in the online activity by a student nicknamed young Huang, whose suggestions got the highest number of likes among students. Other users suggested to design some games incorporating knowledge about hygiene on the campus, so that people could learn while playing the games.
The suggestions proved highly effective and many activities consisting of games were carried out according to Huang’s advice. One of the games worked like this: people needed to throw plastic hoops over small objects placed on the ground. If they did it successfully, they would receive a prize that consisted of hygiene tips leaflets and sanitary products like soap or electric mosquito swatters."
"We hoped that after they played the games, they learned some useful knowledge and would be able to take care of their personal health,” says Ms Zhao.
Interesting games were designed and earned popularity among the people.
"After volunteering to be a helper with the activity, I deepened my understanding especially on how to deal with different kinds of mosquitos in spring, which was really helpful.” Li Fei, a freshman from the School of Information Technology in Education said. “While designing the games and editing the leaflets, I got to know more about the hygiene.”
Students learn more about hygiene through activities and games.
The SCNU hygiene department along with the young volunteers association, organized a garbage sorting activity with the aim of raising students’ awareness about environmental friendliness and promoting knowledge about the classification and separation of garbage.
Moreover, students and faculty were encouraged to clean up dust, spilled water and unused possessions in their living quarters, and form healthy daily eating habits. Professionals were invited to help with the elimination of vermin such as rats and mosquitos.
"The outbreak of COVID-19 is a reminder for us to pay attention to our health and hygiene. Under no circumstances should we forget the harm that was brought to us by the pandemic,” says Zhao. She hopes that students can learn more about how to keep clean and healthy, while maintaining tidiness of the public space.”
Here are some suggestions on how to practice personal hygiene. let's learn and benefit from it!
Wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet.
Brush your teeth every morning and evening.
Take baths, have a haircut, and cut nails on hands and feet on a regular basis.
Learn about hygiene proactively.
Wear neat and clean clothes.
Don't throw garbage around and spit everywhere.
Daily exercise to stay fit.
Do not smoke and do not drink too much alcohol.
Enroll your children in immunization programs on time.
Air your bedding frequently.
Souce from SCNU News Center, SCNU Hygiene Department
Written by Cen Jingxian
Proofread by Edwin Baak
Edited by Li Jianru
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