
From October 11 to 13, seven students from the School of Chemistry and Environment teamed up as “South China Tigers” and won the first prize in the 1st National Chemistry Experiment Innovation and Design Competition for College Students, standing out of the rest after the fierce preliminary and final contest. In addition, the instructors, Professor Zhang Weiguang and He Guangping, were awarded Excellent Instructor Prize.


According to a staff of the School of Chemistry and Environment, the leaders and the teachers of the school had started selecting participants and given them a series of targeted training since June. Professor Zhang and He guided students to make creative improvement for the basic physics and chemistry experiments, telling them the basic experiments deserved to be attached great importance. The participants have gone through hundreds of times of improvement and learnt to cooperate with one another in experiment operations, data dealing, video making and paper writing under the instructions of the teachers. It was not surprising that the entry was increasingly better and the participants also made progress after months’ efforts.

The 1st National Chemistry Experiment Innovation and Design Competition for College Students was held at the Xianlin Campus of Nanjing University, co-hosted by the Chemistry Teaching Instruction Committee of the Ministry of Education and the National Demonstration Center for Experimental Education. There were 264 students and over 200 teachers from 88 universities in seven competition divisions. The participants competed as teams and they were required to submit entries and defend themselves. The aim of the competition is to facilitate the reform of chemistry experiments and education in university by providing a platform for students to exchange and show their innovative ability. It intends to strengthen undergraduates’ basic chemistry knowledge and experimental skills, improve their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems and raise their creative awareness and practice ability.

Source: The School of Chemistry and Environment

Translated by Zhou Meiyan

Proofread by Edwin Baak

Reviewed by Li Jianru

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