Seventy-five SCNU scholars have been named in the World's Top 2% Scientists 2024 list published by Stanford University and Elsevier on September 16, of whom 25 have been selected on both the "career-long impact" list and "single year impact" list.
The 33 SCNU scholars selected for the list of "career-long impact" work in 16 fields: 9 scholars belong to the School of Chemistry, 8 scholars to the School of Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, 5 to the South China Academy of Advanced Optoelectronics, 3 to the School of Environment, 2 to the School of Physics and the School of Life Sciences respectively, and 1 scholar each to the School of Psychology, the School of Mathematical Sciences, the School of Computer Science, and the School of Electronics and Information Engineering.
SCNU scholars on the top 2% of the world's "career-long impact" list.
Sixty-seven SCNU scholars have been selected for the list of "single year impact" from 25 fields. They comprise 21 scholars from the School of Chemistry, 13 scholars from the School of Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, 6 scholars from the South China Academy of Advanced Optoelectronics and the School of Environment respectively, 4 scholars from the School of Physics, the School of Electronics and Information Engineering and the School of Life Sciences respectively, 3 scholars from the School of Mathematical Sciences, and 1 scholar each from the School of Psychology, the School of Computer Science, the School of Artificial Intelligence, the School of Data Science and Engineering, the School of Foreign Studies and the Institute for Brain Research and Rehabilitation.
SCNU scholars on the top 2% of the world's "single year impact" list.
The number of scholars on the “career-long impact” list (1960-2024) has increased by 3 in 2024 compared to 2023, and the number of scholars on the "single year impact" list has risen by 6 over the same period. In 2024, SCNU ranked 3rd among teacher training universities in the top 2% of the world's "career-long impact" list, and 4th on the "single year impact" list.
Based on the Scopus database, the top 2% of the world's scientists are chosen from nearly seven million scientists by citations made, the H-index, the HM-index and other comprehensive indicators in 22 fields and 174 sub-fields. The list provides metrics geared towards the long-term scientific performance of scientists, reflecting their academic impact.
For more details, please visit: August 2024 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" - Elsevier BV (digitalcommonsdata.com)
Source from SCNU News Center
Translated by Wu Jiadan, Tang Jingyue
Proofread by Edwin Baak
Edited by Li Jianru
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