From November 23 to 30, Yang Chengwei, vice-president of SCNU, led a delegation to Singapore and Japan to strengthen educational cooperation and exchange. National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and Kyoto University and Osaka University in Japan, were visited.
The SCNU delegation meet with faculties at the National University of Singapore.
The delegation first visited the National University of Singapore (NUS), where they had meetings with the Faculty of Science, Mathematics, Geography, Chemistry, Statistics and Data Science, and Biological Sciences. Yang Chengwei highlighted the partnership officially established in 2019, as well as the “3+2” joint integrated master’s program in mathematics, which has yielded significant results. He expressed hope that the two universities would build on this foundation to seek further cooperation in more disciplines, such as student exchange and teacher training.
The two sides shared updates on disciplines and reached a consensus on cooperation in programs including integrated master’s degree of different disciplines, joint PhD training, research collaboration and mutual faculty appointments. After the meeting, the delegation visited the laboratories for physical geography, human geography and historical maps.
The delegation meets with faculty at Nanyang Technological University.
At Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Yang Yaowen, vice-president of NTU, warmly welcomed the delegation and expressed hope to further cooperate with South China Normal University in science research and talent cultivation. Yang Chengwei noted the close cooperation between the two universities, including overseas training for teachers, AI laboratory research projects, and student exchange programs, which lay the foundation for future cooperation.
The delegation visits Institute of Digital Molecular Analysis and Science.
The two sides presented their researches, curricular and talent cultivation strategies, reaching an agreement on cooperation in the “4+1” integrated master’s degree program. The delegation also visited the Institute of Digital Molecular Analysis and Science (IDMxS) and the Quantum Information and Quantum Optics Laboratory, where they had discussions with researchers on scientific collaboration and talent recruitment.
Accompanied by professor He Jie from the National Institute of Education at NTU, an alumna of SCNU, the delegation also toured several agricultural research laboratories, where they reached a consensus to collaborate on facility agriculture and joint research project applications.
The delegation visits Kyoto University.
During the visit to Kyoto University, Yang Chengwei introduced the cooperation memorandum signed in July 2024 between the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies at Kyoto University and the School of Geographical Sciences of SCNU, expressing the hope for deepening cooperation and exchange in various areas. Both sides shared their research and talent cultivation programs, reaching a consensus on joint postgraduate program.
They also had discussions with faculty representatives from the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies and the Department of Biological Sciences, the Faculty of Science, and visited the laboratories at the Department of Biological Sciences and the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, which was founded by Professor Hideki Yukawa, the Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 1949.
SCNU’s delegation has meetings with representatives at Osaka University.
At Osaka University, vice-president Koichi Fukase warmly welcomed the SCNU delegation and expressed the willingness to deepen research collaboration and joint talent cultivation with SCNU. The delegation visited the Research Center for Nuclear Physics and the School of Biological Sciences and Osaka University’s cyclotron, a device with special applications in interdisciplinary research across chemistry, biology, medicine and geography and had meetings with faculty representatives.
To promote further cooperation, the two universities signed an agreement on postgraduate training between the School of Biological Sciences at Osaka University and the Schools of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematical Sciences, and Life Sciences at SCNU.
A group photo of the delegation, representatives of Osaka University and the international students.
During the visit, two overseas talent job fairs were held in Singapore and Japan, in which the delegation introduced SCNU’s educational philosophies, development strategies, and talent cultivation policies to over hundred young scholars.
The delegation holds recruitment fairs for young scholars in Singapore and Japan.
The delegation visit local SCNU students and conveyed the university’s ongoing care and encouragement for them.
Source from SCNU News Center
Translated by Zhang Xintong, Ou Minyi, Tang Jingyue
Proofread by Edwin Baak
Edited by Li Jianru
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