
Recently, the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province announced five research centers as the first batch of fundamental research centers of Guangdong province. The Research Center for Brain Cognition and Human Development of SCNU was included in the list.


Professor Wang Suiping (left) from the School of Psychology, on behalf of SCNU, receives the plaque titled the Research Center for Brain Cognition and Human Development.

With the main focus on Psychology, an A+ discipline at SCNU, the research center conducts fundamental and applied research on talent cultivation based in the field of brain cognition. Members of the research center include Wang Suiping, a distinguished professor from the School of Psychology, who was also sponsored by the Ministry of Education's major talent project, as the convenor, and four national leading talents, six national young talents and eight provincial talents.

Focusing on the development of human quality, the center has initially developed a research system, integrating fundamental research, basic transforming research and applied research. It has formed three distinctive research directions, including cognitive learning and innovative ability cultivation, social learning and mental health quality cultivation, and correction and treatment of learning and mental disorders for primary and secondary school students.

The Research Center for Brain Cognition and Human Development is a significant breakthrough in the construction of scientific research platforms at SCNU. The research center will tackle the key problem of talent cultivation in brain science and enhance human development through in-depth multidisciplinary integration. It will contribute to the cultivation of national talents with the power of theoretical and technological innovation.

As a key discipline in SCNU, Psychology has strong scientific research capability. It has three key laboratories or research platforms of the Ministry of Education, like the Children and Adolescents' Reading and Development Laboratory.


The list of the first batch of fundamental discipline research centers of Guangdong province released by the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong province.

Source from SCNU News Center

Translated by Wu Jiadan, Zeng Wenting

Proofread by Edwin Baak

Edited by Li Jianru 

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