SCNU held the 2023 International Neuroaesthetics Symposium at the School of Psychology from December 17 to 18. More than 150 experts, scholars, teachers and students from home and abroad attended the symposium.
The symposium themed "The Present and Future of Neuroaesthetics", aims to discuss cutting-edge issues and research progress in neuroaesthetics and shares the latest thoughts and achievements on aesthetic experience and aesthetic activities. The symposium consisted of six invited speeches and twelve presentations.
Li Chuanjiang, vice president of SCNU, delivers a welcome speech.
Anjan Chatterjee, Professor of Neurology, Psychology, and Architecture and the founding director of the Penn Center for Neuroaesthetics, firstly gave an invited speech, in which he elaborated on the question "What does neuroaesthetics have to do with neuroethics?".
Professor Anjan Chatterjee of University of Pennsylvania delivers a speech.
Martin Skov, professor of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, gave an invited speech entitled "From aesthetic appreciation to sensory liking:The next frontier of neuroaesthetics", sharing the latest neuroscience findings of his team on aesthetic appreciation.
Professor Martin Skov of the University of Copenhagen shares his findings.
Marcos Nadal, Professor of Psychology and vice-rector of the University of the Balearic Islands, Spain, gave an invited speech on "The evolution of sensory valuation systems" from the perspective of Evolutionary Psychology, and made a thought-provoking summary by noting "Approaching what's good, avoiding what's bad, and learning from this".
Marcos Nadal,vice-rector of the University of the Balearic Islands of the University makes his speech.
Six oral speeches were presented respectively by Hu Jun from the Institute of Literature of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Zhanna Nagornova from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Tang Xiaoxiang from the School of Architecture of South China University of Technology, Prof. Meng Ming from the School of Psychology of South China Normal University, Prof. Ding Jun from the School of Economics and Management at Hangzhou Normal University, and Prof. Meng Fanjun from the School of Humanities of Jilin University.
On December 18, Carol A. Seger, Overseas Distinguished Professor at the School of Psychology of SCNU, and professor and director of the Integrated Program in Molecular, Cellular, and Neuroscience at Colorado State University (USA), gave an invited speech themed "Recent research in the neural representation of concepts and categories:Implication for neuroaesthetics," which demonstrated recent findings on the neural basis of conceptual and categorical representations and their implications for neuroaesthetics.
Carol A. Seger, Overseas Distinguished Professor of SCNU, delivers a report.
He Xianyou, dean of the School of Psychology of SCNU, gave an invited speech on "The universality and uniqueness of aesthetic experience", in which he introduced the uniqueness of aesthetic experience in Chinese tradition and culture. Starting from the question of whether aesthetic experience is universal or unique, he introduced the uniqueness of aesthetic experience related to Chinese traditional culture and the universality of aesthetic experience with cross-cultural consistency.
He Xianyou, dean of the School of Psychology of SCNU, discusses with the participants.
Natalia V. Shemyakina from the Russian Academy of Sciences gave an invited speech on "Neuroaesthetics studies in laboratory and ecological conditions of museum visiting. EEG/ERP data". She presented the preliminary results of several neuroaesthetics investigations, namely adolescents' perception of paintings from different cultures, perception of different painting styles in ecological conditions of modern artists' exhibitions, as well as reactions of artists and non-artists in museums.
Researcher Natalia V. Shemyakina from the Russian Academy of Sciences shares the results.
Additionally, Wei Na, professor from the School of Art and Architecture at Temple University and founder of WEI Architecture, Yuri Gennadievich Potapov, an artist from "Mansarda Khudozhnikov", and Li Wanyue, a PhD candidate with He Xianyou's research group at the School of Psychology of SCNU respectively made three speeches concerning architecture, methodology and AI painting.
Yuri Gennadievich Potapov, an artist of the Russian "Mansarda Khudozhnikov." makes a speech.
The symposium provided an opportunity for participants to discuss the links between neuroscience and aesthetics. It also made new contributions to promoting the development of the discipline and offered a platform for discussing ideas, establishing meaningful interdisciplinary cooperation, and advancing human aesthetic experience as well as emotional communication.
Source from SCNU News Center
Translated by Wang Zixiang, He Anqi, Zeng Wenting
Proofread by Edwin Baak
Edited by Li Jianru
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