The journal impact factor of the Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition) is 3.465, suggesting an increase of 56.79% from the previous year (2.210), according to the Annual Report for Chinese Academic Journal Impact Factors (Social Science 2022 Edition) which lists the statistics about the impact factor of Chinese academic journals in 2022.
The report reveals that the Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition) ranks 1st in the social science journals in Guangdong province. Besides, it also ranks No.1 among the 10 normal universities that were first listed as the “Double First-Class” universities, reaching a new record high. Also, the influence of the journal has increased significantly. The journal stands 19th among the comprehensive human and social sciences periodicals (618 in total).
The Annual Report for Chinese Academic Journal Impact Factors (Social Science), published by China National Knowledge Infrastructure, provides a reliable index to measure the impact and the quality of an academic journal, which reflects the level of human and social sciences journals all over the country.
The Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition) was first published in October, 1956. Thanks to the support of SCNU and joint effort by scholars at home and abroad, reviewers and the editorial office, it has been listed in the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index, Chinese core journals of Peking University, and the Chinese Humanities and Social Science Citation Database, demonstrating a rising academic influence in recent years.
Source: SCNU News Center
Translated by Luo Xiaoying, Liu Yecheng, Wei Xiaonan
Proofread by Edwin Baak
Edited by Li Jianru
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