31 projects of SCNU have been approved by the Planning Office of the Guangdong Philosophy and Social Science, according to a memorandum about the year 2022, with SCNU ranking second among universities in Guangdong province.
With 406 regular projects approved across Guangdong province this year, SCNU ranks second, after Sun Yat-sen University, in the total number of supported projects. According to the program announcements, the regular projects are categorized into four types, namely general projects, youth projects, Lingnan culture projects, and post-funding projects. The number of approved projects of SCNU for general projects and youth projects is 15 and 11 , the approval rates of which are 13.9% and 24.4% respectively, compared with about 7% for the provincial average. Also, there are two Lingnan culture, and three post-funding projects supported.
In terms of distribution across disciplines, the approved projects cover 16 disciplines, including Education, Psychology, Management, Law, Applied Economics, World History, Lingnan Culture, and History of Communist Party of China, etc. Of all disciplines, Education ranks in the top with 8 approved projects and Psychology ranks second with 4 projects, followed by Management, Law, Applied Economics, World History, and Lingnan Culture, each of which has 2 approved projects.
It is worth noting that most applicants of approved projects were young and middle-aged teachers, and young teachers under the age of 35 account for 38.7%, which is a significant achievement of the SCNU’s cultivation of young teachers’ scientific research projects in recent years.
Source from the Office of Humanities & Social Sciences
Translated by He Anqi, Long Yuchen
Proofread by Edwin Baak
Edited by Li Jianru
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