
From March 3-6, the Graduate School of SCNU offeres a four-day on-line course for the first batch of postgraduate students at the Graduate Teaching Site of SCNU in Penang, Malaysia.

The course entitled "Overview of China" is a compulsory course for international postgraduate students, according to the Measures for the Administration of the Recruitment and Training of International Students, jointly formulated by the Chinese Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security. The Graduate School has attached great importance to the course, while it previously provided an English-taught program for international students on campus.

This virtual course is composed of 17 modules and 11 subjects, offering international students a window to have a better understanding of Chinese stories, wisdom, and culture, as well as further develop of affection for the country. A team consisting of nine teachers and three teaching assistants from fields such as literature, art and traditional Chinese medicine have been engaged in giving lectures.


An Ning, vice dean of the Graduate School of SCNU, gives a lecture.

Professor An Ning, vice dean of the Graduate School of SCNU, and his assistant Zhao Lang lectured on the geography, education, economy and customs of China. A large number of micro-videos vividly introduced China's natural and human geography, as well as its world cultural heritage and ecological civilization development. They also —have information about Beijing, where the Olympic Games have been held twice, the College Entrance Examination, and China’s sports and fitness, besides other topics.


Professor Xu Guiqing of the School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering gives a speech on Ancient Chinese and Modern Technology.

Professor Xu Guiqing from the School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering, gave a special lecture on "Ancient Chinese and Modern Technology--from the Four Great Inventions to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.” He described the development of science and technology in prehistoric times, and explained the four ancient Chinese inventions (the compass, papermaking, printing, and gunpowder) and the four modern inventions (high-speed rail, shared bikes, on-line shopping and mobile payment). He demonstrated how to apply scientific knowledge to practical middle school physics education, in connection with the high-tech technology applied during the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.


Professor Ma Maojun of the School of Chinese Language & Literature delivers a speech on Chinese Traditional Culture.

Professor Ma Maojun of the School of Chinese Language & Literature, gave a lecture on "Chinese Traditional Culture and Thought". He explained the process of history and culture, and introduced outstanding historical figures from Chinese traditional culture, such as the "Eight Famous Scholars of the Tang and Song Dynasties".


Professor Chen Xiuhua of the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine gives a speech on Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Professor Chen Xiuhua of the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine gave a lecture themed on "Traditional Chinese Medical culture, therapy and meridian health preservation". She spent more than four hours popularizing the knowledge of TCM, including acupuncture, cupping, massage, herbal tea, the meaning and significance of Chinese medicine in the prevention of disease, meridian health, physique identification and traditional intervention.


Professor Zhang Shuyi of  the School of History & Culture gives a special lecture on Chinese History.

Professor Zhang Shuyi of the School of History & Culture gave a special lecture on "Chinese History". She introduced Yuan mou man, Wushan man and some other ancient cultural sites and told the legends of ancient emperors like Emperors Yan and Huan, Yao, Shun and Yu. She introduced the development of society from the Xia Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, and also shared representative figures and major events of different dynasties.

图片7.jpg Professor Ding Yi of the School of Music gives a special lecture on Chinese Folk Songs.

Professor Ding Yi of the School of Music, gave a special lecture on "Chinese Folk Songs". He explained the classification, development and distribution of traditional Chinese music, and performed both affectionately. He sang more than 30 representative folk songs on the spot, winning the applause of the students.


Professor Xie Shaowe of the School of Art gives a lecture on Traditional Chinese Calligraphy, Seal Cutting and Painting.

Professor Xie Shaowei of the School of Arts, gave special lectures on "Traditional Chinese Calligraphy, Seal Cutting and Painting". He introduced five categories of Chinese calligraphy, that is, seal script, clerical script, cursive script, running script and regular script. He took  famous traditional Chinese paintings as examples to explain the content of the pictures, which deepened students’ understanding of painting materials and tools (ink and paper ink stone) and aesthetic values (lines, color, space and shape).


Professor Hu Guosheng, deputy dean of the School of Marxism, gives a speech on China's Diplomacy and Epidemic Prevention and Control.

Professor Hu Guosheng, deputy dean of the School of Marxism, gave special lectures on China's Diplomacy and Epidemic Prevention and Control. He analyzed Chinese politics in terms of the epidemic prevention and control and the two sessions (the annual gatherings of the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference).


Professor Zhang Yonggang of the School of Marxism gives a speech on China's Poverty Alleviation.

Professor Zhang Yonggang of the School of Marxism, gave a special lecture on "Seeing China's Poverty Alleviation from Five Aspects, introducing the achievement, process, spirit, system, and the starting point of poverty alleviation in China.

More about the Penang Graduate Teaching Center:

The Penang Graduate Teaching Center is the first foreign graduate teaching center established by SCNU in cooperation with foreign educational institutions, aiming to provide high-quality Chinese graduate education programs for Malaysian personnel engaged in the teaching and management of basic Chinese education. It opened its first master degree program in December 2019.

Source: SCNU News Center

Translated by Xu Wei, Zou Shan

Proofread by Edwin Baak

Edited by Li Jianru


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