
SCNU ranked among the top 100 Chinese Universities in terms of patent strength in 2020, according to a report from HIPEX, a national public service platform for intellectual property operation.

On this list, South China Normal University ranked 89th with a 4-star rating, rising  8 places up compared with 2019. It is also the only teacher training university of all the listed Chinese mainland universities.

SCNU has always attached great importance to the management of intellectual property rights and actively promoted the output of high-quality and high-value patents in recent years. 

On the basis of the approval of the pilot project of Guangdong province to implement the standardization of intellectual property management, SCNU has further standardized and optimized the patent management services by formulating management measures and simplifying the application procedure in order to encourage scientific researchers to apply for high-quality patents.

Besides, the school and its library jointly publish the "South China Normal University Patent and Computer Software Copyright Analysis Report" every year and cooperate with the provincial intellectual property cooperation service institutions to explore the assessment of the authorization prospect before patent application, and provide the collection, collation, and analysis services of intellectual property information for the university and scientific researchers.

What's more, great efforts have been made to promote patents transfer and transformation. Over the past year, 526 patent applications have been made, 381 were granted, and 98 were transferred, with a transfer amount value of 10.4 million yuan.

The analysis of "Top 100 Chinese Universities' Patent Strength in 2020" is targeted at universities in the Chinese mainland. and the data of the list comes from the patent evaluation system of the HIPEX Patent Evaluation Alliance. HIPEX Public Service Platform is a national public service platform for IPR operation and transaction approved by the Ministry of Finance and the State Intellectual Property Office in December 2014. It is an important part of the national IPR operation system. 

The list aims to further understand the degree of technological innovation and intellectual property management capability of Chinese universities through the analysis of their patent strength.

Source from SCNU News Agency

Translated by Wen Jie

Proofread by Edwin Baak

Edited by Li Jianru

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